Oil Paintings

Tutored by: Suman Agarwal
+91 9336810594

Course Duration

Approx . 3 Month

Course Type

Certificate Program

Course Time


Suitable for

This course is suitable for those who have the basic knowledge of painting. Our learning Centre is open through out the year and you can come to our institute as per your convenience time. The duration of the course depends upon the learners as much as projects he/she wants to do. The minimum duration is 3 months.

Start From


Next Batch Start from


*Mark is Mandatory

Join us for seasoned expert in painting!

Do you have the wish of being a great artist or want to be a renowned painter? You have the arts in yourself but you aren't skilled. Generally a great artist is born artist and with the help of great trainer, he/she become a great artist. We groom those. We also train who want to polish up their skills while those who are looking to make painting their career, Chitrakala Arts Gallery is a heaven for them.

We have different types of courses for different tastes. If someone wants to be a great sketch artist, we have experts sketch mentors to groom their skills. If someone wants to be a great portrait artist we have the experts.

We have the mentors for Tanjore Painitng learners, Water Painting learners, Glass Painting learners, Kalamkari painting learners, Nib art learners, Coffee Painting learners, Ceramic Painting learners, Fusion Painting learners and Madhubani painting learners. We have also trainers for polishing up hand writing. If you want to improve your hand writting, come to us, we have great calligraphers.

In summer we conduct crash course for Calligraphy, Sketch art, Water painting and oil/acrylic paintings.

For school students we have separate classess and for grown up we have separate.

Our classess run round the calendar year but in summer we run some crash course for those who wants to groom their skills during summer vacations.